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Happy Holidays! We would like to wish everyone celebrating holidays during this time Happy Holidays and a Happy New Year! Here a few updates we wanted to pass on. WunderLINQ Firmware 2.0 For the last couple of months, we've been working on a major firmware update for the WunderLINQ.  We plan on releasing firmware 2.0 and new app betas as soon as the documentation updates are finished.   Firmware version 2.0 will include the following major new features.  Removed the requirement to set the WunderLINQ in Full or RT/K1600 Mode, WunderLINQ just works on either bike. New Default and Custom Mode...

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This month we discovered that lean angle existed in some bike model's data.  In trying to decode it we also discovered RPM. RPM and Lean Angle from the bike data have been added as data points that can be displayed and logged.  We would love to hear which model/year supports these newly discovered values, so please post your results to the WunderLINQ User Group. Finding the RPM data point inspired us to finally add the "Dashboard" View that many of you have requested.  This feature is meant to give folks that lack the new BMW dash, a dash like view. ...

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We hope everyone is healthy and safe and has been enjoying their motorbikes.  Here is a quick update on what's happening in the world of WunderLINQ.   Apps The next app beta release will add GPX export of tracks and waypoints as well as GPX waypoint import. We've also discovered that lean angle must be available from the cradle on some models, in trying to figure that out we've discovered the RPM data point. The RPM data point will also be available in the next beta. We will continue to try to decode the lean-angle data point from the bike. Follow our...

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We hope everyone is healthy and safe and has been enjoying their Motorbikes.  Here is a quick update on what's happening in the world of WunderLINQ.   WunderLINQ in the News The WunderLINQ and Magnetic Mount were recently reviewed by WebBikeWorld.    Software Work continues on the apps and firmware, follow our work on GitHub to see what's been going on.    Stock Update We hope to have WunderLINQs for sale again by the end of September.  COVID-19 has slowed the delivery of key components.  If you're outside the US please check to see if the is a reseller in your region, they may...

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We hope everyone is healthy and safe.  Hopefully, everyone's able to do some social distancing on their motorbikes! Here is a quick update on what's happening in the world of WunderLINQ. We've updated our documentation for clarity and to allow translations into other languages.  Please contact us if you would like to help translate the documentation or app to your native language. We've open-sourced a couple more things this month on our GitHub page.  The projects include an experimental Android Launcher optimized for the WunderLINQ/Motorbike and our new documentation framework.  MAPS.ME with WunderLINQ support is now available to everyone through the Apple and...

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