We are at the AIMExpo in Las Vegas this week, orders will be shipped after February 10th.

October Update

October Update

This month we discovered that lean angle existed in some bike model's data.  In trying to decode it we also discovered RPM. RPM and Lean Angle from the bike data have been added as data points that can be displayed and logged.  We would love to hear which model/year supports these newly discovered values, so please post your results to the WunderLINQ User Group.

Finding the RPM data point inspired us to finally add the "Dashboard" View that many of you have requested.  This feature is meant to give folks that lack the new BMW dash, a dash like view.   This is currently an optional screen that can be paged through.  Thanks to our original beta tester Martin for the design and graphics!

The next beta will include these new features.  Check out the video below to see it in action.