January Update
Happy New Year! We wish everyone health and happiness!
We've been quiet but busy the last month.
Garmin Overlander Support
We recently picked up a Garmin Overlander to see what was possible with the WunderLINQ. The Overlander is Android-based GPS hardware from Garmin. I'm happy to report that our App and WunderLINQ control work just like any other Android device. If you happened to have an Overlander and are interested in trying it out you call follow Garmin's document on side-loading software. APK files can be found under releases on its GitHub project. For mounting the Overlander we've created a 3D printable adapter that allows you to mount the Overlander base to the GS Navigation bar using the original hardware. Mounting the Overlander in this fashion does require the BMW cradle and WunderLINQ to be relocated elsewhere like the fairing. Since the Overlander uses a magnetic mount we suggest tethering the device to your bike.
Last month we released updates to address some bugs with the latest Android and iOS updates.
We continue to address any bugs in the current apps however we've paused new feature development to optimize the backend and to redesign some of the user interfaces. This work is progressing nicely and we hope to have something to show soon.
Safe Rides!
Keith & Wayne